Carol Stark: Editor's Notebook

May 24, 2010

How we’ll be spending our summer

Filed under: Uncategorized — carolstark @ 4:02 pm

It’s been 11 years since The Joplin Globe was last redesigned, so the time for a makeover is long overdue.

Beginning this week, we’re holding a number of forums with readers seeking their thoughts about how we present our news, the readability of the paper, the sizes of the type and headlines and our overall look.

These sessions with the public will take place over the next few weeks and then we’ll begin our work. Here’s how you can help:

Tell us how you read the paper. Front to back or is there a certain section you pull out first.

Consider the names of our sections: Town and Country, Your Money, Let’s Eat, Health and Family and People. We may be renaming some of our sections and we’d like your input.

How about our front-page flag?  Do you want a more contemporary look or should we consider going back to our original old English style?

Let me know by posting a comment to the blog. It will be early fall before we unveil our new look. We’d like you to be a part of the final product.

May 13, 2010

Welcome, Jim Wheeler

Filed under: Uncategorized — carolstark @ 6:43 pm

A very patient Jim Wheeler has just been added to our list of community bloggers.

Jim is retired, lives in Joplin and has been a regular on our Opinion page as a letter writer. His participation as a commenter on our blogs led him to my attention. “Still Skeptical after all These Years”  is can be found at

Thanks, Jim.

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